Sunday, May 24, 2009


Exams are still on and subjects for the whole next week are all killer subs. Tomorrow will be History paper 1, Bm paper 2 and PJPK. Scrap the PJPK mann. I think the school is kinda dumb cuz Sivik and PJPK is counted in our percentage so if fail sivik or pjpk means you'll fail all. Hmm....

Why studies have to contain subjects we don't like? I was messaging melia this morning and we were talking about studies and i asked her why do we have to study subjects we don't like and she said This is not a dream world that you can do anything you like. Why can't we study subjects which are related to what we dream of? Why can't melia and i study how to dance all kinds of dance in high school instead of waiting until we go to college or uni?? Afterall studying in high school suppose to relate with our future. So instead of studying subjects which are not related to our career like add-maths, modern-maths and stuff like that, we study subjects which are related to our career. Hmm....

Good luck to everyone who are having their exams. God bless.

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